Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Gary Keller (Japan) sent in a table with the All-time Olympic Games medals. He said, "You can organize the numbers from highest to lowest (hit the up/down arrows in the far right column). Some of the information is surprising!  It changes my view regarding the Olympic history for certain countries. Things to look at:
  1. The gap between USA in 1st and Russia in 2nd.
  2. That Great Britain is 3rd (due to smaller population)
  3. Only 2 countries are above 1,000
  4. Only 11 countries are above 500
  5. Canada is 472 (however, they do have a total population less than California)
  6. East Germany is one of the lines
  7. Other lines items like:
    1. West Germany
    2. United Team of Germany
    3. Unified Team
    4. Mixed Team (look up “mixed teams at the Olympics” in Wikipedia)
    5. Russian Empire
    6. Independent Olympic Athletes
  8. Fun to see how many countries were listed!
  9. Look at the Germany and Russia information at the very bottom of the page.
  10. See the “Obselete Nations notes” at the very bottom as well!  A lesson in history."

4 spirit points for Gary (Japan).

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