Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Opening Ceremonies

Welcome Olympic Champions to PyeongChang!

Here is your official website for the Winter Olympic Games competition of 2018. You have all now been randomly given a country and the official list will be posted soon. This blog will be updated with interesting articles to read and at least once a day with the medal podium and bonus points. This game is all about having fun and getting really excited about the Olympics.

Here is the official point system for the game:
Gold Medal: 15 pts
Silver Medal: 10 pts
Bronze Medal: 5 pts
(If your country ever wins any gold, silver or bronze medals, they will be awarded the point value above.)

However, there are a lot of chances for bonus points:

1) Opening Ceremonies Drawing: 50 pts, 30 pts and 10 pts
(On February 9th, we will draw a number between 1 - 88 and we will count as teams enter the stadium, when the number drawn enters the stadium, that country will receive team points. There will be a gold, silver and bronze prize.)

2) Best Olympic Uniform: 25 pts
(On Saturday February 10th, post your top three favorite Olympic Uniforms, in order, from the Opening Ceremonies and the top country will earn 25 pts. However, you cannot vote for your own team's uniform.)

3) Ugliest Olympic Uniform: 25 pts
(On Saturday February 10th, post your three least favorite Olympic Uniforms, in order starting with the most ugly, from the Opening Ceremonies and that country will earn 25 pts. Same rules as above apply.)

4) Figure Skating Random Drawing: 25 pts
(If the United States or Great Britain wins gold in any Figure Skating competition, a random drawing will take place for 25 bonus points to the country who is drawn.)

5) Snowboarding Random Drawing: 25 pts
(If the United States or Great Britain wins gold in any Snowboarding competition, a random drawing will take place for 25 bonus points to the country who is drawn.)

6) Bobsled Random Drawing: 25 pts
(Anytime that the United States or Great Britain wins gold in Bobsled, then 25 pts will be randomly given out through a drawing.)

7) Speed Skating Random Drawing: 10 Pts
(Anytime that the United States or Great Britain wins gold in speed skating, then 10 pts will be randomly given to the country that is drawn.)

8) Feel the Love
(Wednesday February 14th will be worth double the points. So, Gold is worth 30 pts. Silver is worth 20 pts. Bronze is worth 10 pts.)

9) Double Point Days
(Monday February 12th and February 19th will be worth double the points. So, Gold is worth 30pts. Silver is worth 20 pts. Bronze is worth 10 pts.) 

10) Points for American or British Gold: 5 pts
(Every time the United States or Great Britain win a gold medal, 5 points will be randomly drawn and given to a country.)

11) Spirited Posts: 2 pts
(2 pts will be given to anyone that posts a photo in one of the posted challenges or post an interesting article about either the Winter Olympics or their country's Olympic team.)

12) Challenges: Points vary with individual challenges
(Throughout the Olympic Games, challenges will be posted onto the blog with a response worth 2 - 5 pts. Ex: Cooking foods from your country, taking a pic of yourself watching the opening ceremonies, etc.)


-Gold Prize (Country with the most points)
-Silver Prize (Country with the second most points)
-Bronze Prize (Country with the third most points)
-Coal Prize (Country with the least points)
-Middle of the Road Prize (Country with the middle of the road points)
-Spirit Prize (Person who shows the most spirit - posts of picture of their countries flag, puts facts about there country on the blog, makes a shirt with their flag, etc.)
-Random Prize Drawing (Country that is randomly drawn on the Closing Ceremonies)

Countries and the names of the people representing that country to be posted soon.

And as always,

May the Odds be ever in your Favor!

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